Sir Owen Glenn Theatre \ Whats on \ Kupu Māreikura - Maori Writers Talk | Dr. Ngahuia Murphy
13 Sep 2023 - 17 Aug 2023
Dr. Ngahuia Murphy (Ngāti Manawa, Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana, Ngai Tuhoe, Te Arawa) is a mana wāhine researcher and author of the books ‘Te Awa Atua: Menstruation in the pre-colonial Māori world’ and ‘Waiwhero: A celebration of womanhood’.
Her PhD, completed in 2019, examined the resurgence of Indigenous women’s ritual practices in Aotearoa, Turtle Island (North America and Canada) and Hawai’i. Ngahuia is currently a New Zealand Health Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow developing creative writings to assist wahine to craft their own sacred ritual practices.
Interviewed by Jamie Huia Rolleston (Ngāti Whakaue).
Tue 12 Sept, 2023 - 6:00 pm
Sir Owen Glenn Theatre